Introduction To Bellbird Call Center

The idea of this website is to publish my personal notes that I discuss in my podcast called Bellbird Call. Here is the LINK, you can also find it in Spotify by searching it by its name. The notes are about the interesting things that I encounter in the Bible and my personal point of view and connections to real life challenges teenagers like myself may come upon in their day to day life. This program both the podcast and the blog are totally open for the listeners and the readers. That means that you all can  comment and send me questions, concerns or connections you observe, they would all be anonymous for you to also be able to talk about what you are feeling   and where do you feel your relationship with God stands.

You may be wondering what is up with the weird bird picture ↑ up there might symbolize and what is the meaning behind the name of the podcast and the website ( that is if you haven´t heard my introduction to the Podcast , that yet again I invite you to visit ). Well the bird in the picture is well known as a Bellbird ( I know that I might be starting to sound like a science teacher but I promise that this will normally be much more fun ) this exact bird is recognized as one of the loudest bird species in the world ( if not the loudest ) and I believe that God our father has sent us to be his Bellbirds. To enlighten the world about his word the bible and help them connect with their lost Father. Now it is not that I believe that only young adults/teenagers are the only ones that need help, but indeed we are the ones that might just need more help in our lives and guidance. We are exposed to so much liberty since we are young now a days that some of us grow up believing that everything we see is right or correct when that is not the truth. The only real truth is the word of God and that is our goal. To be able to learn together about the truth, the bible, God and our paths to then help others find theirs with God. 
I will to be learning alongside all of you. I am very excited and nervous. I can´t wait. 

P. S: Get ready for a real adventure!!!
  • Psalm 139: - "If I rise on the wings of the, If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there YOUR hand will guide me".


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