Be The Light In The Darkness (Part 2)


Be The Light In The Dark (Part 2)

(About listening and learning from his word)

Question of The Day - Is Being Christian Boring?
Value of The Day - Bouldnes / Courage 
Bible Character - Esther (Maybe Mordecai?)

Main Bible Verse Of The Day- 

(P.S Even though the cool image comes from a website the word does not, It comes from the bible :)

Questions to Dig Deeper into meanings -
- What do this two have in common? What are they referring to?
- What is represented as the light?
- What is represented as the clouds?

Let's begin with a little recap -


Link for Youtube Live Part 1 -

To Mention 

- Last Week's Poem: The Sky Lights
- How can this relate to today's main bible verse?

- Who / What is represented by the Light? (I know its repeated but it is important :)

- Did you do a little digging on the story of Esther? 

- Did you give a little thought to how Part 1 relates to Courage / Boldness?

Esther's Story -

(I know I said I was going to give you a little recap but I decided that the story of Ruth has many areas that can be analyzed deeper so I am doing it in parts and going through it slowly. I promise It's not boring and my sisters are witnesses, actually, because it is NOT boring at all, it is far from that, I decided to take a little more time on it).

Main Characters and Name Meanings -

- Esther = "star" = Hebrew: אֶסְתֵּר

- Spiritual Meaning = "Secret, hidden"

- (P.S She was also reffered to as Hadassah, as if she was onced named so in Esther 2:7. Possible Nickname, Many believe that was her name originally)

- Hadassah = "Myrtle Tree" = Hebrew: הֲדַסָּה 

-  Myrtle Tree (Spiritual Representation) = "The myrtle is a fitting symbol of the recovery and establishment of God's Promises (WOW!!!)‎

- Mordecai (Esther's Cousin) = "Warrior, Follower" = Hebrew: מָרְדֳּכַי

- Haman (Antagonist) = (Arbaic meaning) Noise, Tumult =Hebrew: הָמָן

- King Ahasuerus = Prince; head;chief =  אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ (Old Persian)

- Same as Xerxes I = from the same Old Persian name.= Ξέρξης (Old Greek) 

- Queen Vashti = beautiful =Hebrew: וַשְׁתִּי

Guide Bible Verses for Story of Esther -

- Esther 1:2-5 (Festivities + Intro)

- Esther 1:10-12 (Disobedience)

(* eunuch - "a man who has been castrated, especially (in the past) one employed to guard the women's living areas at an oriental court.")

- Esther 1:19-20 (Consequences+Replacement)

- Esther 1:22 (Accepting Decree)

- Esther 2:2-4 (Let The Selection Begin)

- Esther 2: 7-10 (We meet Mordecai + Esther/Hadassah)

- Esther 2: 17 (The One is Selected)

What can you conclude with the information we have learnt today about being a Christian? Do you think the Bible is boring?

(P.S - NAH AH!!!)

Things to look forwards to next week -

- What do you think will happen now that Esther is Queen?

(If haven't read, try to read)

- How does this connect to today's main values? Boldness/Courage?


(Thank Him for what you have learnt today and ask him to help you use it in your daily life along with spreading your knowledge with others).

Here is a poster of all the platforms in which you can always have updates and interact :) -


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