
Spotlight / Destacados

Introduction To Bellbird Call Center

The idea of this website is to publish my personal notes that I discuss in my podcast called Bellbird Call. Here is the  LINK , you can also find it in Spotify by searching it by its name. The notes are about the interesting things that I encounter in the Bible and my personal point of view and connections to real life challenges teenagers like myself may come upon in their day to day life. This program both the podcast and the blog are totally open for the listeners and the readers. That means that you all can  comment and send me questions, concerns or connections you observe, they would all be anonymous for you to also be able to talk about what you are feeling   and where do you feel your relationship with God stands. You may be wondering what is up with the weird bird picture ↑ up there might symbolize and what is the meaning behind the name of the podcast and the website ( that is if you haven´t heard my introduction to the Podcast , that yet again I invite you to vis

CreavySpot Introduction / Introduccion

Welcome to... CreavySpot In this SECTION of the blog, you are welcome to interact with any of the EDITORS and be welcome to join by adding your thoughts in comments!!!! If you want to become part of the family just contact any of us!!!!  BellBirdCallPoster CONTACT US!!! To Share and upload your art, that being : Music - Covers or originals along with your favourite songs/worship and how it makes you feel. Art - Any projects you have either created by hand or you admire because it speaks to you and what it transmits.  Writing - Any Bible verse you have doubts or thoughts that you want to share along with quotes of authors or books you are currently reading. Hobby - Anything you enjoy and wish to share (sports, dance, TikTok...etc) Communicate - Any doubts or things you wish to get off your chest. ..... Who knows maybe you'll connect with someone who feels the same :) FEEL FREE TO BE YOURSELF!!!!! Bienvenidos a... CreavySpot En esta SECCION del blog tu estas bienvenido/a a interactua

Se La Luz En La Oscuridad Parte 2

Se La Luz En La Oscuridad (Parte 1) EMPIEZA CON UNA ORACION (Para tener nuestros oidos abiertos y entender) Pregunta del Dia - Es ser Cristiano Aburrido? Valor del Dia - Audacia / Coraje Personaje Biblico - Ester (¿Quizás Mardoqueo?) Verso Principal del Dia -  (P.S. Aunque la imagen de arriba proviene de una pagina web, la palabra es real y viene de la biblia) Preguntas para entender más- - Que es lo que el poema y el versiculo tienen en comun? A que se refieren? - Que esta representado como la luz?  - Que esta representado como las nubes? Comencemos con un repaso... Info - Link para Parte 1 blog- Link para Parte 1 Youtube Live- Link para Parte 1 podcast Spotify- Link para Parte 1 podcast Anchor- Mencionar - - Poema de la semana pas

Be The Light In The Darkness (Part 2)

  Be The Light In The Dark (Part 2) START WITH PRAYER (About listening and learning from his word) Question of The Day - Is Being Christian Boring? Value of The Day - Bouldnes / Courage  Bible Character - Esther (Maybe Mordecai?) Main Bible Verse Of The Day-  Citation for Image above ^ (P.S Even though the cool image comes from a website the word does not, It comes from the bible :) Questions to Dig Deeper into meanings - - What do this two have in common? What are they referring to? - What is represented as the light? - What is represented as the clouds? Let's begin with a little recap - Info Link for Part 1 Blog - Link for Youtube Live Part 1 - Link to Episode in Podcast Spotify - Link for Episode in Podcast Anchor -