Be The Light In The Darkness (Part 1)

 Be The Light In The Darkness (Part 1)

(About listening and learning from his word)

Question of The Day - Is Being Christian Boring?
Value of The Day - Bouldness / Courage
Bible Character of The Day - Esther

Main Verse of The Day - 

(P.S Even though this cool image comes from a website the words come from the bible :)

Let's begin with a poem...

The Sky Lights

By Sylvana Reyes

Through the deep thick sky,

The clouds were clinging jealousy,

Below the shinning bright moon, 

And her dancing stars.

One night the clouds covered the sky,

Hoping to stop the sky’s blooming flowers from shining,

The stars stop dancing.

The city below stared longingly up towards the sky,

The quiet night disturbed by the zooming,

The zooming of the cars still working at midnight.

The city waited,

With wanting it waited,

Through the mist, it waited.

The moon wondered what was wrong,

So She glided towards the stars,

She saw the stars not dancing,

She played loud music and was overtaken by glee,

Not long after the stars followed,

The city overjoyed by the light show,

The sky’s parade,

As dim the light seemed at the beginning,

It grew and grew with every second,

He noticed,

The city noticed.

He called it the best light show,

As he contemplated such ecstasy below the thick dark sky,

And the clouds, enraged, dispersed and gave up,

… for that night.

Questions To Dig Deeper Into Meaning -
- How does this poem make you feel?
- How is the poem connected to the bible?
- How Is the poem connected to the main bible verse above?
- What do the poem and the bible verse have in common? What are they referring to?
- What is being represented by the lights?
- What is being represented by the clouds?

What can you conclude with the information we have learnt today about being a Christian? Do you still think it's boring?
(P.S- I definitely don't think so)

Things to look forwards next week -
- How does this connect to Esther's Story?
(If haven't read, try to read, it can't in time no worries, there will be a small summary about it next week)
- How does this connect to today's main values? Boldness/ Courage?

(Thank Him for what you have learnt today and ask him to help you use it in your daily life along with spreading your knowledge with others).


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